Download And Prin 2020 Calendar
Have you been looking for free, easy to print calendars for 2020, 2021, and 2022? Lucky for you, look no further! Here on our website we are proud to offer not only our November 2021 Calendar ready to download and print, but also all twelve months of the next three years! As long as you have a .pdf reading software on your computer and a printer with 8.5″ x 11″ traditional paper, our calendar has already been formatted to fit your needs and is ready to print right now!
November 2021 Calendar
November Calendars
November 2021 Calendar
Specifically, on our November 2021 Calendar you will find 30 days. Additionally, we have gone ahead and labelled all of the major holidays that occur in November for you. These landmark dates include: the end of Daylight Savings time, so make sure you turn your clocks back an hour…in the fall season we "fall back" one hour (Sunday, November 7, 2021); Election Day (Tuesday, November 2, 2021); Veterans Day (Thursday, November 11, 2021); Thanksgiving Day (Thursday, November 25, 2021) and Black Friday (Friday, November 26, 2021). Veterans Day is a national holiday and non-working day that honors those who have served in the United States Armed Forces. Thanksgiving is an American holiday and never falls on the same date. In fact, Thanksgiving's date is "the fourth Thursday of November," which differs each year.
November 2021 Calendar Printable with Holidays
Thanks in advance for clicking the button below to download our FREE November Calendar. We hope it assists you with all of our planning needs! Also, we encourage you to keep reading below to find out more about November, including its history, fun facts, and official birthstones.
The Month of November
November is the eleventh month of the modern day Gregorian Calendar, which has twelve months in total. The Gregorian Calendar is the version that most people use in our world today, however there have been other versions of this calendar throughout time. In fact in one version of the calendar, the Roman calendar, November was the ninth month, as opposed to the eleventh. This is actually how November got its name- from the Latin word "Novem" meaning nine.
Of course, back in 153 BCE there were all kinds of differences in the calendar. For example, back then, November only had 29 days in total, instead of the 30 days it has today. And, believe it or not, there were only ten months in the year. Therefore, the year ended in December, and began again in March, with January and February being nonexistent.
Another fun fact about November is that it is nearing the end of the fall season in the Northern Hemisphere. This means the weather is usually pretty chilly around this time of year. However, this is not true in the Southern Hemisphere. In those countries, where the seasons are opposite, November actually has warm weather, feeling equivalent to our temperate weather in the month of May.
November's birthstones are the Topaz and the Citrine. Topaz is typically found in an orange-yellow color for November births, however the stone also comes in blue, yellow, and pink. This stone is translucent and thought to symbolize love and intellect. While the Citrine also has a warm, golden color and is translucent, its meaning is slightly different. Those who wear citrine are thought to be given more energy and imagination.
November 2020 Calendar
November 2020 Calendar
November 2022 Calendar
November 2022 Calendar
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